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Perfect taste and the latest technologies: ZHASHKIVSKE, HAISENBERG and APPS at the XII Forum for Brewers

Perfect taste and the latest technologies: ZHASHKIVSKE, HAISENBERG and APPS at the XII Forum for Brewers

The XII Forum for Brewers, Distillers, and Beverage Producers took place on April 18–19 in Kyiv and brought together about 200 industry representatives working in various sectors of the brewing industry. New Products Group was among the leading companies that presented their latest developments at the event to not only share their new products, but also to find new partners and consumers.

This year's Forum for Brewers was traditionally aimed at promoting innovative technologies in the Ukrainian market. Brewing industry practitioners and scientists, equipment manufacturers and technology developers, as well as suppliers of raw ingredients, spoke about and demonstrated new technological solutions that Ukrainian brewers can use today to improve the quality and taste of their products while optimising the brewing process.

During panel discussions, industry experts sought answers to the key questions. How do you not lose consumers and stay in the market during a tough time for the country? What opportunities exist to expand sales in the domestic market and abroad? How to increase the profitability of large and medium-sized brewing companies?

For his part, Nazar Stasyuk, Chief Brewer at New Products Ukraine, spoke about the new approaches to the technological process used by our company. In particular, he spoke about how the technologists managed to speed up the beer fermentation process and, thanks to the optimisation of processes at the brewery, produce a dozen new products in different categories every year.

New Products Group representatives also conducted tastings of our products: ZHASHKIVSKE™ and HAISENBERG™ beers, and APPS™ ciders. The participants of the forum were assured of the undisputed quality of our products and the technologies we use. And it was especially nice to receive a certificate with honours from the hosts!

During the event, an exhibition of equipment, technologies and services for brewing, distilling and other beverages was held in the next hall alongside the expert presentations. This allowed the participants to be inspired by the experience of their colleagues and implement all the latest technologies at their own companies in the future.

New Products Group was represented at the forum by Nazar Stasiuk, the Chief Brewer, Oksana Davidienkova, Director of Quality Assurance, Alla Vaskevych, the Deputy Director for Quality, Oksana Chernukhina, the Head of the Laboratory, Artem Borysov, the National Sales Manager (HoReCa), and Yuriy Chernyk, the HR Manager.

Perfect taste and the latest technologies: ZHASHKIVSKE, HAISENBERG and APPS at the XII Forum for Brewers
Perfect taste and the latest technologies: ZHASHKIVSKE, HAISENBERG and APPS at the XII Forum for Brewers
Perfect taste and the latest technologies: ZHASHKIVSKE, HAISENBERG and APPS at the XII Forum for Brewers
Perfect taste and the latest technologies: ZHASHKIVSKE, HAISENBERG and APPS at the XII Forum for Brewers
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