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On Children’s Day, the New Products Group donated teaching equipment to a school in the Kharkiv region that had been recently de-occupied

On Children’s Day, the New Products Group donated teaching equipment to a school in the Kharkiv region that had been recently de-occupied

Education can serve as a beacon of light even in the darkest of times. Therefore, New Products Group actively assists schools in creating the most conducive learning conditions, even during full-scale war.

New Products Group has been a donor to the Kyiv School of Economics and their KSE Foundation for many consecutive years. Specifically, the company, alongside other businesses, and private philanthropists, has contributed to the refurbishment of bomb shelters in schools nationwide. This initiative has already enabled 8 000 students to return to their classrooms.

Our company also supported a project by the Kyiv School of Economics, which was implemented on Children’s Day. It involved the reconstruction of a shelter built by school children from the village of Gontarivka in the Kharkiv region.  During the Russian occupation, the children constructed it on a hill, which was the sole location in the village where they could access the Internet. Amidst the blackout caused by enemy shelling, this place became the only refuge for continuing their studies. However, for local students, this was a preferable alternative to attending “schools” controlled by the occupiers. New Products Group provided assistance in purchasing a modern and powerful laptop for the students of Gontarivka village, as the educational institution was in dire need of equipment following the de-occupation. Currently, the KSE Foundation and business philanthropists are raising funds to construct a bomb shelter at this school, three months prior to the start of the new school year.

On Children’s Day, the New Products Group donated teaching equipment to a school in the Kharkiv region that had been recently de-occupied
On Children’s Day, the New Products Group donated teaching equipment to a school in the Kharkiv region that had been recently de-occupied

The opening ceremony was attended by Estonian President Alar Karis,  Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Estonia to Ukraine Kaimo Kuusk,  Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Ukraine Larysa Galadza, President of Kyiv School of Economics, Tymofiy Mylovanov, Director of the KSE Foundation Svitlana Denisenko, school director from Gontarivka village Lyudmila Mironenko, and representatives of Ukrainian businesses who collaborated in arranging bomb shelters in Ukrainian schools. During the event, the attendees reviewed the outcomes of the school equipping project and formulated a further action plan.

On Children’s Day, the New Products Group donated teaching equipment to a school in the Kharkiv region that had been recently de-occupied
On Children’s Day, the New Products Group donated teaching equipment to a school in the Kharkiv region that had been recently de-occupied
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